Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Over the last two weeks, My parents and I had our vacation. We pretty much went everywhere. We went to Valley forge.[[there happens to be a million deer there]] We went to the Franklin Museum in Philly. We went to D.C. and went to a couple of the museums there and saw the Washington monument and the Lincoln monument. We also spent 3 days at my Grandmothers house. But sadly it did lack Me staying up late and sleeping in....Isn't that what vacations are for? No school related stuff, sleeping in, staying up late. HA! Not for me. I'm pretty sure the latest I slept in to was 9 o clock..maybe 9:30. Hmm...I wanted to have more music on My MP3 player before we went...oh at the moment all I have on my MP3 player music wise is a Paramore CD and Jonas brothers CD...kinda sad isn't it? But how is this related to our vacation? Ah well my parents like to talk or whatever, so they don't listen to music in the car so I have to listen to the same thing over and over on my MP3 player....hmm not much different to the radio I guess....FM 97 plays the same like ten songs all the time...OH and that's another thing! Do other places outside of the Lancaster area not have radio stations???? I never seem to be able to get music any where else on the radio...well there was the one time Me and My sister were coming home from Indiana and We got country music....the rest was all fuzzy...haha that's the first time We heard honky tonkbadonkadonk...but anyway...yea I like music....I'm actually listening to a play list of mine at this very moment.....its music from WJTL...I figure that's school appropriate? Oh well....My Moms gonna read this and be like "your not supposed to listen to anything but classical"...but isn't Christan music good too??...well I guess Skillet isn't to Good to help concentration...But yeaaa i totally got off subject....We had a totally rad oops the 80's called they want their word back :P
lol figure that one out!